January 5, 2025
- Principal’s Message
- Breakfast/Lunch Menu
- School News: School Priority Registration, Lando Coding Class, Brown Bags Needed
- PTA News: PTA Meeting and Social Wed Jan 8
- SCEF News: Read-A-Thon
- Community News: SC School Board Vacancies, San Carlos Little League, Soccer with Stanford Park Youth Sports
Mon, 1/6: First Day back to school
Wed, 1/8: PTA Meeting and Social
Wed, 1/8 - Fri 1/31: SCSD New Student Priority Registration
Thur, 1/16- Fri 1/31: SCEF Read-A-Thon

Principal’s Message

Dear White Oaks Families,
Welcome back and happy 2025! This is the time of year to not only reflect and set goals, but also revisit expectations and routines. PBIS, or Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports, is a practice we use daily to support our students. When you hear us say the “White Oaks Way Expectations”, this is part of our Tier I support under PBIS. This week, I will be visiting each classroom to review the expected behaviors around our campus. Use this matrix to review at home and create a common language between home and school. (Here is a pictorial version of the matrix for younger students).
PBIS At Home (was created in 2020 for distance learning but many points still very relevant)
Managing Problem Behavior at Home (from Child Mind Institute)
Positive Parenting Tips (from the CDC)
The Power of Positive Parenting (from UC Davis Health)
Leah Scholer, Principal

Weekly Menu

School News
New Student Priority Registration Opens this Wednesday, January 8
Happy New Year! SCSD New Student Priority Registration for the 2025-26 school year opens this Wednesday, January 8 and ends January 31, 2025. Register future students during this window to secure their spot. For detailed information, visit our How to Register for the 2025-26 School Year page and review our 2025-26 Enrollment Guide | 2025-26 Guía de Inscripción. If you have questions, refer to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) or email [email protected].
Important: Current TK–7th grade students are already registered and do not need to re-register. This process applies only to NEW students.
For Parents of 4-year-olds: Transitional Kindergarten is expanding! Children born between September 2, 2020 and September 1, 2021 are eligible to start TK in August 2025. Be sure to register during the Priority Registration period to help us plan for the appropriate number of classrooms.
For Incoming TK/K Families (2025-26): Attend your school's Parent Information Meeting on January 29, 2025. More details will be available on your school’s website in January.

Lando at White Oaks Starting in Jan!
Lando Coding & Game Design: Our classes are designed to engage beginning to intermediate coders. Instead of your typical coding puzzles, students learn by creating mini-games. They’ll master key concepts — such as sequencing, variables, conditionals, and events — all while enjoying the process of building games for themselves and their friends. We provide laptops loaded with our distraction-free version of Scratch. Mondays starting Jan 13. $40 per 2 hr class; 1st to 3rd Graders. Sign up at: www.FindLando.com/WhiteOaks
Brown Bags for Hot Lunch
Every Wednesday on minimum days, our students pick up their hot lunches at recess. To make it easy for them to carry their meals—complete with fruit or veggies and milk—we use brown paper lunch bags.
We need your help to keep this program running smoothly! If you're able, please donate a pack of brown paper lunch bags. You can drop them off at the office anytime between now and the end of the school year.
Thank you for supporting our students and this wonderful program!

PTA News

January PTA Meeting and Social - Wed, Jan 8
Join us for our first meeting of the year! The event will be held Wed, Jan 8 at Tiffany Day's house (225 Alberta Ave), with a social at 5 p.m., followed by the meeting at 6 p.m. We will setting our goals for the new year and kicking off plans for our spring events. We hope to see you there!

SCEF Read-A-Thon
Welcome Back! We hope you had a restful winter break. Thanks to everyone who made an end-of-the-calendar-year donation. We appreciate your support!
Get Ready. The Read-A-Thon begins on January 16th!
The SCEF/PTA Read-A-Thon is a free 14-day program (January 16-31, 2025) that celebrates reading while raising funds for San Carlos School District schools. Participation is free and encouraged.

Community News

School Board Vacancies
The San Carlos School District invites you to serve on our Board of Education.
Our 5-member Board sets the district’s strategic direction, oversees allocation of resources that align with our priorities, develops board policies, ensures accountability and provides community leadership. The Board’s vision is for our district to provide an innovative and engaging learning experience that fosters the development of the Whole Child to ensure all students are well prepared for success in the future.
If being a part of our Board is something you’d be interested in, please contact Veronica Rickson at [email protected] to attend an upcoming candidate information session or to request an application. Completed applications are due on January 8. To learn more about the process and timeline, visit the School Board Appointment Process webpage.
San Carlos Little League (SCLL) Registration is Now Open
Hey Baseball parents! San Carlos Little League registration is now open! Established in 1953, SCLL provides a positive youth baseball experience to children of all abilities in the San Carlos community. We focus on developing the qualities of leadership, citizenship, discipline, character, and teamwork.
The 2025 Little League season kicks off the weekend of Saturday, March 8 and runs approximately through the school year. We offer several divisions of play based on Little League Baseball Age Charts and evaluations in the upper divisions (AA up).
Learn more and sign up here.

Join us for Soccer with Stanford Park Youth Sports!
Stanford Park Youth Sports challenges players both mentally and physically to help them grow on and off the court. Our 60-minute sessions, led by experienced coaches with collegiate and overseas playing experience, focus on shooting, footwork, ball-handling, defense, rebounding, and passing. We foster hard work, confidence, teamwork, and life skills through a positive approach. Off-court development is just as important as on-court, with soccer used as a tool to help kids succeed in school, college, and life. No matter their stage, we guide players to elevate their game. Tuesdays from 2:40-3:40 p.m. starting Jan 21. Cost is $360 for 9 classes. Register HERE
Parent Education Opportunities
Mark your calendars for these terrific events coming up in January!
Andrea Bastiani Archibald, PhD, psychologist, offers Happy, Confident, and Strong: Tips for Helping Your Child Develop a Healthy Body Image (January 22).
Chris Balme, education leader, author, and school founder, presents on Beautiful Conversations: How to Stay Connected to Your Adolescent Child (January 23).
Visit the Parent Venture Series of Upcoming Events page for more information.
- Parent Venture Series Events

Join the White Oaks PTA. Your membership matters and helps support programs and events for our students and teachers.
A percentage of your purchases will automatically be donated to the White Oaks PTA — at no cost to you!