October 27, 2024
- Principal’s Message
- Breakfast/Lunch Menu
- School News: Author Vicky Fang Visit, Book Fair
- PTA News: Join the PTA
- Community News: San Mateo County Reads, Parent Education Series
Thur, 10/31: Halloween Parade
Fri, 11/1: No School
Mon, 11/4-Wed 11/6: Candy Buy-Back
Mon, 11/11: Veterans Day - No School

Principal’s Message
Dear White Oaks Families,
It’s that time of year again, where the children turn into ghosts and goblins and much, much more. As a reminder, our White Oaks Halloween parade will take place on Thursday, October 31st at 8:30 am on the blacktop. Students will walk around the playground and show off their costumes to students, parents, and teachers. Afterwards, they will head back to their classrooms. If your student is participating in the parade, please remember to send students to school in their costumes. Please also send in a change of clothes. We ask that students not bring scary masks or weapons of any kind to school.
If you are volunteering on campus for a classroom celebration, then enter through the office to sign in and pick up a volunteer badge. Teachers will be having celebrations throughout the day.
We want everyone to have a fun and safe Halloween night. Here are some Halloween safety tips from the San Mateo Sheriff’s Office.
For those of you who will be trick-or-treating, families can drop off their Halloween candy at the front office from November 1st - November 7th. The candy will be shipped to our troops overseas as part of Move America Forward. By sharing candy, not only does it help promote healthy eating but it also makes a big impact to those that are so far from home. You can also ask your son/daughter who is donating candy to write a letter for a Military Member, which we will include in the care package.
Just a reminder, that candy is not allowed at school and should not be packed in lunches as we continue to promote healthy eating.
Have a safe and happy Halloween for those who are celebrating!
Leah Scholer, Principal

This Week's Menu

School News
Author Vicky Fang visits White Oaks!
White Oaks is thrilled to host author Vicky Fang on Wednesday, November 6th. For those wanting to pre-order author-signed copies of books by Vicky Fang be sure to use the link below to order from our local Reading Bug bookstore. While the author assembly will be for our K-3rd grade classes, all families are welcome to order signed copies of the books. Order deadline is November 3rd. Order signed books by Vicky Fang HERE!

Book E-Fair Has Started
This year, we bring another option for you to help raise money for our library - Online Book Fair. It opened on Oct 21 and ends on Nov 22. Please visit here to start shopping online earlier.
It allows the whole community to shop at the book fair with an expanded catalog of books, including the ones who can’t visit in person.You will also be able to buy gift cards to make in person checkout easier or send them as teacher gifts.

Book Fair in Nov 18-22
It’s the time of the year again! The exciting Book Fair is coming this Nov 18-22. You can find a variety of books for all ages and interests. It is a great opportunity to support our library and foster a love of reading in our students. The Book Fair raises thousands of dollars in books for our school library. In the early December newsletter, we will share the detailed schedule and volunteering sign up information.
So mark your calendars and get ready to dive into the world of books. We can't wait to see you there!

Mugglebee’s Acting & Drama Games
Play, perform, laugh, repeat! Designed for young performers at White Oaks, this class
will have actors playing various beginner-level drama games and learning exercises to
develop acting and public speaking skills in a fun and nurturing environment. With an
emphasis on story-telling through voice, movement and imagination, students will
develop fundamental acting skills to make them stronger performers and collaborators.
The session will culminate in a fun showcase performance for friends and family on the
last day of class.
Fridays at White Oaks from 2:30-4 p.m.
Begins November 8th!
Register HERE!

PTA News
October PLEASE READ THIS! PTA Membership Drive ENDS THIS MONTH- Please JOIN the PTA!!
Our 2024 PTA Membership drive ENDS THIS MONTH!! Every family counts!! Please join the White Oaks PTA TODAY!! Did your child come home last week talking about the green wig challenge? As part of our PTA membership drive, if we reach our goal of 85% of families joining the White Oaks PTA, Mrs. Scholer will wear a green wig on the first Wednesday of November! We currently have 77% of families signed up and our goal is to have 85% of White Oaks families participate. We are so close!! The PTA supports Art in Action, materials, family fun events, and so much more! The cost is $10 per parent/$20 per family. Your membership is crucial and no other commitment is necessary, though we will have plenty of opportunities to get more involved throughout the year. Please join here!!

Thank You to Our Walk-a-Thon Sponsors
On behalf of the White Oaks Elementary School PTA, we want to extend our heartfelt thank you to our business sponsors for the White Oaks Walk-A-Thon.
Their commitment to our community plays a vital role in making this event a success each year. With their support, we can create a fun and engaging day for our students and their families, promoting health, fitness, and school spirit.
We truly appreciate their partnership and dedication to our school!!

Participate in our 14th annual Halloween Candy Buy-Back!
Drop extra candy November 4-6th, at your school’s front office and it will be donated to Operation Gratitude and sent to our troops. Drs. Chang, Amin, and Kaher will donate $1 per pound of wrapped candy to SCEF. Deadline for donating candy is November 6th.
Did you know you can donate your stock that has long term capital gains, and reduce your tax liability? A gift of appreciated stock you’ve held for more than a year is better than giving cash. If you donate stock that has increased in value since you’ve owned it for more than a year – and if you itemize deductions — you can take a charitable deduction for the stock’s fair market value on the day you give it away. You’ll also avoid capital gains taxes on the increase in value over time, which you would have had to pay if you sold the stock and then gave the charity the cash proceeds. To learn how visit: www.scefkids.org/stock-

Community News

San Mateo County Reads
Join us this fall for San Mateo County Reads, a collective reading experience to foster community and discussion. This year, we highlight three books under
the theme of "Voices of Resilience: Empowering Change through Collective Action" to celebrate the enduring power of the human spirit and the transformative potential of collective action. Students, families, educators, and community members are invited to read and discuss each book and attend events, including discussions with the authors, all season long. Learn more and find upcoming events at www.smcoe.org/SMCReads.

Parent Education Opportunities
Mark your calendars for these great events coming up in October!
How can curiosity change your life? We're excited to welcome Scott Shigeoka, curiosity expert, speaker, and bestselling author of SEEK: How Curiosity Can Transform Your Life and Change the World (October 29)
Eran Magen, PhD, population health psychologist and founder of Parenting for Humans, offers How to Be Your Child's Favorite Conversation Partner in November's Parent Forum #35 (English) (November 1).
Join us for The Teen Brain: A Conversation with Filmmaker Tiffany Shlain, a short film screening and conversation with Tiffany Shlain, artist, Emmy-nominated filmmaker, and creator of the Webby Awards (November 6).
Visit the Parent Venture Series of Upcoming Events page for more information.
- Parent Venture Series Events

San Carlos United Soccer Club
San Carlos United will be holding tryouts for boys and girls born between 2007 and 2017 starting the week of November 10, 2024 for the Spring 2025 season. Players born in 2018 may try out for the 2017 teams.
If interested, please register online: http://www.sancarlosunited.org and a manager from the team will reach out to coordinate. We look forward to seeing you at the San Carlos United tryouts!

Join the White Oaks PTA. Your membership matters and helps support programs and events for our students and teachers.
A percentage of your purchases will automatically be donated to the White Oaks PTA — at no cost to you!