White Oaks Weekly - August 16, 2020

From the Principal

Dear White Oaks Families,

On the eve of our first week of school, I feel a mix of nostalgia for what Fall “used” to feel like and an excitement for what is ahead. In this new adventure, I would like to invite you all to join me in setting forward with the mindset of “We Can Do This!”. We can help our children have all the “good feels” about the coming school year and let them know how eager their teachers are to meet them and teach them. We can help them transition into the routines of the school year and teachers, staff, and I will help support you in this. 

As experts in the developmental needs of elementary school students, we want to stress the importance of taking time to build relationships with our students. We are stretching and preparing for a marathon, not a sprint, and in order to set our students up for success, we need to take these next few weeks to make sure students feel comfortable and confident so they can do their best learning. All the interactions our teachers will have with students once the school year starts are forms of informal assessment. Our educators will be taking anecdotal notes and observing the needs of each of their students so they can develop a plan to best meet their needs, both academically and social/emotionally.

Below is the schedule of events for this coming week to get you and your child(ren) set up for success.

Monday, 8/17: 

  • Chromebook Pickup: I have emailed those of you who have filled out the Chromebook Request Form with your scheduled pick-up window. 
  • Elementary School Town Hall @ 6:15 pm: With this ever-changing landscape of COVID-19, we know one thing for sure...our commitment to providing excellence in education for every child within a supportive and caring environment is our shared priority. In response to the One Question Survey we sent earlier (thank you for responding), we have prepared a P-3 Schools FAQ that addresses most of your wonderings at this time. In addition, we would like to invite all P-3 Elementary families to a Town Hall meeting scheduled for August 17th from 6:15-7:00 PM.* We have provided a Zoom Link for the meeting as well as a YouTube Live streaming link to allow all four school communities to attend at once. The Zoom meeting is limited to the first 300 participants so please connect through YouTube if needed: Zoom Meeting Link and YouTube Live Link

Tuesday, 8/18:

  • Chromebook Pickup: I have emailed those of you who have filled out the Chromebook Request Form with your scheduled pick-up window. 
  • Parent Ed Night - Digital Platforms @ 7:30pm: Come learn the basics of how to set up the most commonly used platforms for distance learning. Seesaw and Clever will become household names (if they aren’t already) and tonight you will learn how to set up the platforms on your devices as well as tips and tricks for ease of use for you and your students. Zoom Meeting Link

Wednesday, 8/19: 

  • First Day of School! Meet and Greets/Materials Pickups Begin: Your teacher will be reaching out to you soon to schedule your in-person Meet and Greet! Here, your child will be able to say hello to their teacher and pick up essential materials to get the year started. Our PTA has set up a special spot by the marquee on Fairmont for you to stop by and take a First Week of School Picture when you come for your Meet and Greet! 
  • Teachers will be sharing their class schedules with you as well and for the first three days of school, you can expect community-building activities to be scheduled via Zoom, but regular class schedules will begin on Monday, 8/24 as teachers will be balancing their time with passing out materials and meeting students face to face.

Thursday, 8/20 - Friday, 8/21: Meet and Greets/Materials Pickups Continue

I would like to leave you with a post a friend of mine shared with me. We have an opportunity here to make something really special out of a situation that is nothing close to ideal and I have so much faith in us as a community and I KNOW we can do this! 

Back to school this year is ideal for NO ONE.
Not for teachers.
Not for parents.
Hybrid is not ideal.
Virtual is not ideal.
Face-to-face in the midst of a pandemic is not ideal.
For every kid who is anxious to get back to the classroom, there is another who has anxiety about returning.
For every parent who wonders,
“How am I going to manage this?”
There is a teacher wondering,
“How am I going to manage this?”
Often, a person wears both titles.
For every kindergarten parent who is sad that this is how their child will begin their education, there is a parent of a senior who is bummed that this is how their child will end theirs.
For every person angry about their child having to wear a mask, there is a person who is petrified their immune-compromised family member will get ill.
Life has thrown us a huge curveball.
A plot twist if you will.
It will not be easy.
We will be challenged.
We will get frustrated.
I hope we rise to the occasion.
I hope we help one another.
We will all need help.
I hope we treat each other with grace.
We will all need grace.
I hope we realize that at the end of the day, our kids need us to be the light.
Set the tone.
See the good.
Take a really unfortunate situation and do our best to make it okay.
For them.
For us.
- Stephanie Krause


Leah Scholer, Principal
[email protected]

School News and Events

Welcome From Your PTA
Welcome to the 2020-21 school year at White Oaks. Our PTA theme this year is Stronger Together. Back in March when this all began and we started to navigate these uncharted waters, we came together as a community and wholeheartedly believed that we would be stronger together. We still believe in that today. 

Our PTA has always stood for two main things: community and advocacy. Our PTA strongly believes in building community, one that celebrates in the good times and pulls together when things are challenging. And that is what we will continue to do at White Oaks. 

This year, we have an opportunity for great innovation and community building and our main goal is to support our students, our parents, our amazing teachers and staff. We plan to find new ways to build community and will implement our Idea Teams that focus on Social Justice, Book Distribution, and Parent Support. 

We look forward to working with our community this year and are excited to see what we can accomplish together. We hope you join our PTA, reach out with any new ideas, and attend our monthly meetings. 

We can’t wait to partner with you in making this an amazing year for our kids at White Oaks School! 

Thank you, 
Debbie Blucher and Britta Ellis 
PTA Co-Presidents

Join the White Oaks PTA
Join the White Oaks PTA! This year, we are hoping you join us in reaching 100% PTA membership. 

How Do I Join?
Log on to Totem

What is the Cost?
$20 per family

Why Join the PTA? 
CONNECT with new friends and the White Oaks community
SUPPORT school-wide events and programs
MAKE your voice heard in Sacramento

Why is Your Membership Important?
Members play a role in decision-making at our monthly White Oaks PTA Meetings. Higher membership also gives our PTA a powerful voice in advocating for our children with the California State Legislature. 100% membership sends a message to Sacramento that our district is made up of voters who are concerned and involved. Thank you for your support!

First PTA Meeting - September 2 at 7:30pm
Don’t miss our first PTA meeting of the year on Wednesday, September 2 at 7:30pm via Zoom. We will be hearing about our incredible year ahead from our principal, Mrs. Scholer and our new Idea Teams. All parents are welcome to attend! Just a friendly reminder that to be eligible to vote, you must be a member of the PTA. We hope to see you there!

Welcome Back White Oaks - Chalk Your Walk
To kick off our school year, we would love to see your creativity! Please "Chalk Your Walk" by the first day of school and share it on the White Oaks Connection Page. We can’t wait to see your masterpieces!


Thank You to Our Generous Donors!
Your donations will allow SCEF to grant over $3.3 million to support every San Carlos public school student in the upcoming 2020-21 school year. Our grants will fund excellence in teaching, distance and hybrid learning support, mental health safety net programs, middle school electives and funds for each school site through a Principal Flex Fund. For more information about SCEF and what we do, please visit: https://www.scefkids.org/.

Like our Facebook page for more upcoming details and all SCEF news: https://www.facebook.com/SCEFkids.

District News and Events

SMARTE Afterschool Clubhouse - Grades TK-3
We still have a few openings in our SMARTE Afterschool Clubhouse program!

The SMARTE Clubhouse will open on Wednesday, August 19 to provide on-site, all-day care while schools are on a distance learning schedule.

Programs will run from 8:30am-4:30pm each day. We have three different options available for families:

  • Full-time care 5-days a week on all school sites
  • Part-time 3-days or 2-days a week on either the Arundel or Brittan Acres campus

The SMARTE Clubhouse is dedicated to enriching children's lives outside of school. It provides a fun, safe and welcoming place to spend time in a supervised childcare environment to support online learning along with engaging enrichment activities. The program is available to TK-3rd grade students at our four elementary schools - Arundel, Brittan Acres, Heather and White Oaks. Each program offers age-appropriate educational and enriching activities in a warm and inviting atmosphere.

Please visit the SMARTE Clubhouse website for more detailed information. If you have additional questions, please email us at [email protected]. Scholarships are available for families in need and we offer both an employee and sibling discount.

Click on the SMARTE Clubhouse Registration link to sign-up today!

Community News and Events

San Carlos Park & Rec Fall Activity Guide is Going Virtual 
While classes are not able to meet in-person, many of our wonderful instructors are going to teach virtual classes for tots, youth, and adults. Offerings will include participant favorites such as Gentle Yoga, Line Dancing and San Carlos Children Theater classes as well as new offerings including Zendoodle, TechVenture and Junior Math Club. The Activity Guide will be available to view online on August 31st with live links to each class for easy customer viewing.

Registration for our virtual fall classes will begin on September 1st at